Tuesday, November 29, 2005

GMail makes me feel so good

GMail is the closest I've ever been to email nirvana. Labeling (much like tagging - a la del.icio.us) is more intuitive than foldering emails. The search is fast and sophisticated. I have a system for using my email to Get Things Done, and honestly it is much easier with GMail than it was using a desktop mail program. If I could add a few more things, it would make my GMail life much simpler.

I would like to:
  • use keyboard shortcuts for "label" and "remove label."
  • define "canned" searches. For example, I want to find all messages having label "a" but not label "b" just by clicking a link.
  • use keyboard shortcuts to perform those "canned" searches
  • define macros for repetitive operations. For example, I want to remove label "a" and apply label "b" with a menu and/or a keystroke.
  • see some statistics - who am I getting the most email from? how much am I writing and to whom?
  • group conversations or break up conversations by hand
  • find "similar" conversations
  • schedule messages to be sent (send myself an alarm later?)


At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have to start using the web app more. I've just been using Mail.app in order to access gmail, because I'm familiar with it.


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