Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Embracing the New

This story by Benjamin Rosenbaum is fantastic. In it, we learn of a race of furry creatures whose memories are kept by the symbiotic Ghennungs that live in their fur. Their memories can be taken and given back on a whim, passed from one to another, from father to child, master to apprentice. The Ghennungs would battle one another for mastery of the body, but each body takes on a God to keep them all at peace. I find this image truly fascinating, especially today. We are generating information at an unprecedented rate. In many ways I feel like a tunnel for information, passing things through but never really keeping ahold of much of what I process. Imagine being able to completely forget your entire life for a second, or to experience someone else's life in its entirety. I find the idea exhilarating.


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