Blog-readers Anonymous
Ok, so here's the thing that I'm trying to figure out. Reading blogs has become somewhat of an obsession for me. I'll read a ton of them every day, bookmark the links that I find interesting to Many of those will never actually be revisited, and some of them I didn't even take the time to read at first. I'll email the few that I think certain friends and family just -should-not-miss- on to them.
Then what? I guess I have interesting tidbits for conversation, but that hardly warrants hours and hours of reading. The bloggers' answer I'm sure is to synthesize what you read and contribute - the "read/write web" if you will. But even then, why bother? There's more than enough content out there already, and I'm just not sure what contribution I can make (especially on my own, quite isolated blog.) I don't have many friends who are interested in the LiveJournal or blogging or anything like that and don't feel like searching out "web friends" to connect on *that* level. So what do you do with reading hundreds of entries every day? I guess it's personal edification for its own sake. I need to synthesize some better life goals.
Exactly - what do we do it for? That's why I have started and stopped so many different times; it's difficult to keep the momentum except as a method of personal gratification and edification. Storing bookmarks away, as nuts for the squirrel. :D As the previous comment pointed out, we stumble upon what others think and say and drop our own two bits, often to a stranger.
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